Rapid evaluation in health care 2020

The Nuffield Trust and Health Foundation, in collaboration with RSET and BRACE, are holding an event to explore what good practice in a rapid, rigorous evaluation looks like as well as share lessons learnt from recent and on-going evaluations.


Start date: 30/01/2020 | 8:50

End date: 30/01/2020 | 16:30

Hallam Conference Centre

For more information on this summit contact:

    Morning plenary

    8:50am Registration and refreshments
    • Chair: Sarah Scobie Acting Director of Research, Nuffield Trust
    • Speaker: Prof Martin Vernon National Clinical Director for Older People and Person Centred Integrated Care, NHS England
    • Speaker: Philippa Darnton Associate Director, Insight, Wessex Academic Health Science Network
    • Speaker: Dr Natasha Phillips Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    11:00am - 11:25am Morning refreshments and networking

    Morning breakout sessions

    • Chair: Arne Wolters Acting Head of the Improvement Analytics Unit, The Health Foundation
    • Speaker: Therese Lloyd Senior Analytical Manager, The Health Foundation
    • Speaker: Emma Vestesson Data Analyst, Improvement Analytics Unit, Health Foundation
    • Chair: Sarah Scobie Acting Director of Research, Nuffield Trust
    • Speaker: Prof Katherine Checkland Professor of Health Policy & Primary Care, University of Manchester
    • Speaker: Dr Manbinder Sidhu Research Fellow, BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre, University of Birmingham
    • Speaker: Dr Paul Mills Research Regulation Specialist, Health Research Authority
    • Chair: John Appleby Senior Associate, Nuffield Trust
    • Speaker: Prof Steve Morris RAND Professor of Health Services Research, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge
    • Speaker: Dr Wayne Smith Health Economic Lead, Imperial College Health Partners
    • Speaker: Yasmin Baker Digital First North West London Programme Manager, North West London Collaboration of CCGs
    • Chair: Prof Naomi Fulop Director of RSET programme and Professor of Health Care Organisation and Management, University College London
    • Speaker: Dr Duncan Wagstaff NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow, University College London Hospitals Surgical Outcomes Research Centre
    • Speaker: Becky Seale Founder, Coaching Communities
    1:05pm - 1:55pm Lunch and networking

    Afternoon breakout sessions

    • Chair: Arne Wolters Acting Head of the Improvement Analytics Unit, The Health Foundation
    • Speaker: Julia Shen Research Degree Student in Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
    • Speaker: Stefano Conti Senior Statistician, NHS England
    • Speaker: Paul Seamer Analytics Manager, The Strategy Unit, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit
    • Chair: Dr Manbinder Sidhu Research Fellow, BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre, University of Birmingham
    • Speaker: Chris Sherlaw-Johnson Senior Fellow, Nuffield Trust, Member of the NIHR Rapid Service Evaluation Team (RSET)
    • Speaker: Dr Jean Ledger Research Associate, University College London
    • Speaker: Amelia Harshfield Analyst, RAND Europe
    2:45pm - 3:00pm

    Closing plenary

    • Speaker: Arne Wolters Acting Head of the Improvement Analytics Unit, The Health Foundation
    • Speaker: Dr Henry Potts Associate Professor, UCL Institute of Health Informatics
    • Speaker: Anna Quigley Head of Health and Social Care Research and Evaluation, Ipsos MORI
    • Speaker: Christina Farrow Innovation Senior Manager, NHS England and NHS Improvement