The G8, Africa and global health: a platform for global health equity for the 2005 summit

This discussion paper considers how we can reduce inequalities in the global disease burden.


Published: 01/03/2005

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This discussion paper considers how we can reduce inequalities in the global disease burden by improving the health of the world's poorest people.

UK leadership of the G8 provides a unique opportunity to work towards global health equity. This paper, as part of the Nuffield Trust Global Health Programme, considers how the G8 can enable fulfillment of the first globally agreed set of development goals and proposes the social, developmental and economic steps that can be taken by the G8 to promote health equity for Africa.

Focusing on the G8 enables the authors to consider the role of the world's wealthiest countries in addressing the challenges of global health through their health, security and foreign policy agendas.

Suggested citation

Labonte R and Schrecker T (2005) The G8, Africa and global health: a platform for global health equity for the 2005 summit. Discussion paper. Nuffield Trust.
