Pathfinder Technical Series 1999 No. 1 – 10

In keeping with its tradition and reflecting the more complex issues in health and health care policy today, the Nuffield Trust established a Policy and Evaluation Advisory Group (PEAG), supported by the appointment of a Nuffield Trust Fellow at the Judge Institute of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge, to provide a research and intelligence capability for the Trust. The Policy Futures for UK Health Project stems from the work of PEAG. It involves examining the future environment for UK health, with a time horizon of 2015.


Published: 01/12/1999

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In keeping with its tradition and reflecting the more complex issues in health and health care policy today, the Nuffield Trust established a Policy and Evaluation Advisory Group (PEAG), supported by the appointment of a Nuffield Trust Fellow at the Judge Institute of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge, to provide a research and intelligence capability for the Trust. The Policy Futures for UK Health Project stems from the work of PEAG. It involves examining the future environment for UK health, with a time horizon of 2015.

The first environmental scan has resulted in a series of 10 technical papers, which are listed below. Each paper in the series is a stand-alone piece, but has also been used by the project to derive an overview report, which focuses on policy assessment in the light of the environmental scan. Entitled 'Pathfinder Report', the overview report is published separately and will be subject to external consultation.

  • No 1. Global Context. A review of priority global health issues for the UK: Kelley Lee.
  • No 2. The Physical Environment. A Review of trends in the natural and built environment: Stephen Palme.
  • No 3. Demography. Analysing trends and policy issues in births, deaths and diseases in the UK population in 2015: Charlotte Dargi.
  • No 4. Science and Technology. Trends and issues forward to 2015: Implications for health care: Glenn Rober.
  • No 5. Economy and Finance. A prospective view of the financing of health care: Panos Kanavo.
  • No 6. Social Trends. The social context of healthy living: Ray Pah.
  • No 7. Organisation and Management. Archetype change in the organisation and management of health care? Ewan Ferli.
  • No 8. Workforce. Analysing trends and policy issues for the future health workforce: Charlotte Dargi.
  • No 9. Ethics. Reconciling conflicting values in health policy: Martyn Evans.
  • No 10. Public Expectations. From paternalism to partnership: changing relationships in health and health services: Marian Barnes.

Suggested citation

Dargie C (1999) Policy futures for UK health – Pathfinder Technical Series 1999 No. 1 – 10. Consultation document. Nuffield Trust.
