The future of health – health of the future

This volume explores the future environment of health in Europe and anticipates future problems and opportunities.


Published: 01/06/2003

ISBN: 1902089898

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The Fourth European Consultation on Future Trends, held in London on the 13th and 14th December, 1999, hosted by The Nuffield Trust and the WHO Regional Office for Europe, considered the prospects for implementing the HEALTH21 policy framework.

This meant examining the trends, pressures and innovations that may influence efforts to protect and promote health in the future. A point of departure was provided by the results of a study carried out by the University of Cambridge entitled Policy futures for UK health. The participants included those involved in the study and other aspects of the Nuffield Trust's programme, those who had participated in the preparation of HEALTH21, and others with international experience and expertise. This account of the meeting provides a rich picture of the future of health 20 years into the new century.

Suggested citation

Barnard K (2003) The future of health – health of the future. Research report. Nuffield Trust.