Health and human rights: a guide to the human rights act

This guide to the Human Rights Act 1988 explains what human rights legislation means for health care provision in the UK.


Published: 01/01/2005

ISBN: 1902089987

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This guide examines the manner and the extent to which the Human Rights Act 1998 may impact on the provision of health care in the UK.It explains the workings of the Act and the nature and significance of the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights which the Act has made part of our domestic law.

Since the Human Rights Act relates to fundamental choices and decisions, particularly difficult end-of-life decisions, this guide is also relevant to a number of other Trust initiatives, such as the Buckingham Declaration on Care of the Dying and the NHS.

Suggested citation

Croft J (2005) Health and human rights: a guide to the human rights act. Research report. Nuffield Trust.