Helen Crump


Helen Crump

Fellow in Health Policy

Nuffield Trust

helen.crump@nuffieldtrust.org.uk Twitter LinkedIn

Helen is a Fellow in Health Policy at the Nuffield Trust. She has specialised in understanding NHS structural and system reform, regulatory policy and commissioning.

Prior to joining the Trust, Helen led the regulatory policy programme at the Foundation Trust Network, designing and implementing projects to assess the impact of new regulatory systems on NHS providers. She has also worked on commissioning and primary care policy at the NHS Confederation. Previously, she was a journalist at specialist public sector titles such as Health Service Journal, Local Government Chronicle and Pulse.

Helen has studied qualitative and quantitative research methods and has an MSc in Health Economics and Health Policy from the University of Birmingham.

Helen left the Trust in February 2018.

Helen Crump has worked on

  • 20/05/2019
  • Helen Crump | Sandeepa Arora | Chris Sherlaw-Johnson | Holly Holder | Dr Alisha Davies | Silvia Lombardo
  • 26/04/2018
  • Chris Sherlaw-Johnson | Helen Crump | Sandeepa Arora | Holly Holder | Rob Meaker
  • 04/04/2018
  • Chris Sherlaw-Johnson | Helen Crump | Natasha Curry | Charlotte Paddison | Rob Meaker
  • 11/04/2016
  • Dr Robert Watson | Helen Crump | Candace Imison | Claire Currie | Matt Gaskins
  • 25/09/2015
  • Helen Crump
  • 19/03/2015
  • Helen Crump | Ruth Thorlby
  • 19/02/2015
  • Helen Crump | Ruth Thorlby
  • 19/02/2015
  • Helen Crump | Mark Dayan | Nigel Edwards
  • 13/01/2015
  • Helen Crump
  • 05/12/2014
  • Helen Crump | Nigel Edwards