Ethical sponsorship

The principles that underpin the decisions we make about who we will work in partnership with.

We are funded primarily from income generated from the Nuffield Trust’s own endowment. The endowment was given to the Nuffield Trust in 1940 by Viscount Nuffield and the capital value is currently about £100 million. We use our investment income to fund in-house research, support our infrastructure, and allow us to commission external research.

This income generated from the endowment therefore continues to remain the most important source of income for the Trust and guarantees the independence of our research and wider activities. It ensures that we are not dependent on any other source of income to carry out our charitable purpose.

More details on how we fund our work are available from the How we are funded page. Further information on financial matters and our governance structure is set out in our audited Report and Financial Statements.

Working in partnership

We recognise the value of working in partnership with other organisations and are continually looking for opportunities to collaborate and partner with organisations on issues of mutual interest. These may include Government departments, such as the Department of Health; NHS organisations; charities and other not-for-profit organisations; and commercial companies.

We believe that external funding of our work can lend greater legitimacy and influence to our activities, as well as allowing us to expand our programme of charitable activities.

We therefore seek to work with a range of organisations that support our work – whether that is through funding our researchers to undertake specific research projects, joint initiatives with partners, consultancy involving our health care experts, or sponsorship of our events.

However, this is undertaken with careful consideration of our independence and reputation, with the majority of our activities funded from our endowment.

Principles for partnership working

A number of important principles underpin decisions we make about whom we will partner with, accept research funding from, or enable to sponsor our activities, such as events. These are:

  • Charitable remit: our guiding principle is that all funding secured from external sources – whether for funded research projects or sponsorship – should further our charitable objectives and be in keeping with our strategic priorities.
  • Maintaining our independence: our reputation relies on our independence. Any partnership we enter must not compromise our independence. If it does, then we will consider withdrawing from any such partnership or sponsorship.
  • Conflicts of interest: we will not work with organisations when there is a conflict of interest (real or perceived) with our work.
  • Editorial control: we will only accept income where we retain control over the activities and intellectual property of the project in question. We will always maintain editorial control over published material.
  • Integrity and transparency: we will be transparent about whom we are working with and the nature of the partnerships we are engaged in. All partnerships will transparently set out the benefits to both the Nuffield Trust and the partner.
  • Level of financial contribution: the acceptance of research funding and sponsorship will not be determined by the level of financial contribution alone – we will work with organisations as long as they help to further our charitable objectives and be in keeping with our strategic priorities.
  • Range of partners and sponsors: we will not become reliant on research funding and sponsorship from any one organisation.
  • Marketing: we will not endorse specific companies and/or products.

Protocol for events sponsorship

We seek sponsorship for some of our major events, including our annual Health Policy Summit and one-day conferences on topics that are in our areas of expertise.

As a matter of course we insist on maintaining control over programme content for all our events, regardless of whether they are sponsored or not by third parties.

When and where appropriate we will offer speaking and chairing opportunities to sponsors. However, these slots will be determined and allocated solely on merit and editorial reasons, and not due to a financial contribution alone.

In addition, partners and sponsors will not be allowed direct access to the individuals and organisations signed up to the Nuffield Trust’s mailing lists.


If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Leonora Merry (Director of Communications) or Rowan Dennison (Deputy Director of Communications).